Hollywood Sleaze

Demi Moore is finally calling it quits! Divorce papers will be filed for the marriage of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. It is believed to be because of the cheating scandal that went on last month. We all kinda knew this was coming, it was only a matter of time.

Oh Mariah Yeater….. she told everyone Justin Beiber was her baby daddy, asked for a paternaity test, then when JB agreed to take the test and threatened to sue her she and her lawyers backed out. She then got a new lawyer and is still saying Justin is the father and now she was caught with text messages that say Justin is not the father?? Yeah….good luck with that! Text messages have surfaced from Mariah Yeater to a friend “Pleeease ERASE ALL MESSAGES from my mom where she says Tristyn [the baby] is Robbies [real baby daddy] son Ill kick u when we get paid”. So your telling me this “Robbie” is the father and you are trying to pay off people to keep your secrets with money you don’t have….way to go, way to go.

The real thing on everyone’s mind tonight is preparing for Twilight! It premieres tonight at midnight and all the “twihards” of the world are counting the minutes to midnight!! Only 5 more hours ladies! Twilight is expected to make between $125 and $142 million dollars this weekend! Thats a lot of moo-lah! Go team Jacob! ❤ 

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