Hollywood Sleaze

Hustler magazine CEO Larry Flynt has made a decision that he wants Daniel Tosh to be a guest star editor for a week. For no reason other than he really likes Tosh. There has been no response from Daniel Tosh or his representatives. But can you imagine Daniel Tosh running a magazine company!?

Lady Gaga has an offer for another crazy appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards. A designer from Ohio is asking for Lady Gaga to consider and wear a dress they have made, made out of bones! No word if the bones they speak of are actual bones, but never the less they are bones. Might be a segway to introduce the new bald Lady Gaga!

Nicki Minaj was in Jamaica this past weekend doing a show and tweeted about the great time she had. Later on she found out she was being fined and ticketed for cursing and showing suggestive moves on stage. The charge was a total of 1,000 Jamaican Dollars totaling out to $11.77 in U.S. money. CRAZY what the difference is!

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